Emulation Platform for Software-Defined Wireless Networks
Main Page Get Started Part 1: Mininet-WiFi Usage Part 2: Advanced Options Part 3: Mininet-WiFi Commands Containernet Manet Routing Protocols Mobility Propagation Models SixLoWPAN IEEE 802.11p mac80211_hwsim P4 SUMO Publications Use Case Catalogue Video Demos FAQ The Mininet-WiFi Book
Follow these steps for a VM install:
This option works well for local VM, remote EC2, and native installation. It assumes the starting point of a fresh Ubuntu, Debian (or, experimentally, Fedora) installation.
We strongly recommend more recent Ubuntu releases, because they support newer versions of Open vSwitch. (Fedora also supports recent OVS releases)
To install natively from source, first you need to get the source code:
git clone git://github.com/intrig-unicamp/mininet-wifi
Note that the above git command will check out the latest and greatest Mininet (which we recommend!)
cd mininet-wifi
Once you have the source tree, the command to install Mininet-WiFi is:
sudo util/install.sh -Wlnfv
-W: wireless dependencies
-l: wmediumd
-n: mininet-wifi dependencies
-f: OpenFlow
-v: OpenvSwitch
-6: wpan tools