
Emulation Platform for Software-Defined Wireless Networks

Main Page
Get Started
Part 1: Mininet-WiFi Usage
Part 2: Advanced Options
Part 3: Mininet-WiFi Commands
Manet Routing Protocols
Propagation Models
IEEE 802.11p
Use Case Catalogue
Video Demos
The Mininet-WiFi Book


I do not have mac80211_hwsim. How can I install it?

Run the following:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`

How can I control my Mininet-WiFi nodes remotely?

It’s trivial to control Mininet-WiFi nodes from the CLI or from within a Python script running locally, but what if you want some other process or even another computer on your LAN to be able to control your Mininet network remotely?

Well, there are lots of ways to do this. One idea is that anything you can do in Python, you can do in Mininet-WiFi, and it’s often very easy to do so. For example, there are all sorts of frameworks available for any kind of messaging you can imagine.

Another easy way to control Mininet-WiFi nodes is to use the util/m script. For example:

~/mininet-wifi$ util/m sta1 ifconfig

Another way is by using sockets. See https://mininet-wifi.github.io/part4

The mode N supports booth 2.4 and 5Ghz. How can I make a choice between 2.4 or 5Ghz?

You have to set band=2.4 or band=5 when you add an AP. For example:

net.addAccessPoint(... band='2.4')

Yes. When you add a link between station and ap you have to add cls=TCLink, for example:

from mininet.link import TCLink

net.addLink(sta1, ap1, cls=TCLink)

Can stations ping APs?

First of all we invite you to read https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/FAQ#assign-macs. However, If you really want stations to ping APs, you may want to set IP address to the wireless network interface and (a) if OVSAP: set datapath=’user’ when you add the AP; or (b) use UserAP with BOFUSS and set inNamespace=True when you add the AP.

How to uninstall Mininet-WiFi?

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/mn /usr/local/bin/mnexec /usr/local/lib/python*/*/*mininet* /usr/local/bin/ovs-
* /usr/local/sbin/ovs-*

What does the warning message about the signal range mean?

If you define the signal range for a node you can get the following message:

WARNING: The signal range for sta1-wlan0 should be changed to 35

This message means that you have defined a signal range that is not supported by the propagation model you are using. To fix this you have to either modify the parameters supported by the propagation model in order to support smaller signal ranges (e.g. exponent and system loss) or define the minimum supported by the propagation model. According to the message displayed above, if you define a signal level less than 35, this will be useful only for visualization purposes, as it will actually be transmitting up to 35m.